Tuesday, 9 August 2016

The New Me...

After a long absence, I am pouring more of my deep emotions on another page...

I began writing here exactly six years ago, in August 2010. 'Time flies!' This is the shortest sentence we keep repeating, but what impact does it indeed have on how we live our lives and behave generally? 
How often, in a day, week, or month, do you truly stop and watch your lives from a proper perspective? Showing gratitude towards everything life has granted you, rather than concentrating on what you don't have? I wake up and bow to the universe around me, the God inside of me, and I thank him/her. To me, God has no gender; God is God, and then I wink and smile. This is how I begin every day, and blessings pour my way in the form of miracles. Every day is the first day of the rest of my life! Every day is my birthday. When generally asked, 'How are you?' By anyone, anywhere, my answer is: "Brilliant! Thank you." or "Fantastic!" or "Fabulousness!" and "Amazing!"

I have travelled to many destinations and met the most incredible people from all walks of life and ages. The fourteen years since separating and living on my own have been filled with lessons I feel blessed to have experienced; there have been moments of hurt and questioning, of course, there have been, or how else would I learn. The main thing is I have kept a positive attitude every step of the way and always concentrated on feeling grateful; this alone has given me the tools to achieve overall happiness. I fill my every cell with love and always think of the kindest way possible out of any action I take. Boy, am I learning all the time!

What started me writing was, first, the fantastic coach and therapist who taught me many valuable lessons of life when I was so ready to take in his every word and counselling for three  years before he told me fifteen years ago:
"Haldita, this will be our last session; you don't need to come and see me anymore. You're ready to go and help others. But promise me, you'll write a book one day!"
These words stunned me as I was involved in the design. Apart from the love of writing inherited by my poet grandfather, I couldn't possibly imagine how I could possibly write seriously to be read by others!
Secondly, it was after the death of my father and the months it took after a liposuction surgery, which had left me in agony, with the lowest immune system catching every virus in passing, staying home and grieving, which led to a one-day writing course and the courage to begin. The rest is history. 

After almost two decades of a turbulent marriage in which both my Ex and I had to learn many lessons, all in the name of love, we then parted amicably. So, I knew what it was like to suffer in silence and try every day to make him realise I was worthy and certainly not worthless as I was led to believe through my own belief system. Through therapy and workshops such as Landmark Forum and Advanced LF, which lasted 3 then 4 days of 14 hours daily; watching, listening, talking and learning, various meditation courses, and constantly questioning, I learnt to free myself of every thought and deed from the past. I craved peace and happiness and found the tools to escape my rut and start afresh. Afresh is an understatement, considering where I was and where I chose to rise to. It came with faith at all times and gratitude, always.

If anyone felt like a grain, I made myself transparent into the rebirth of a future I beheld. I still call and thank François, my therapist and mentor, for his guidance. Age became meaningless, and absolute love was my goal. Free of all inhibitions, I gradually managed to get rid of all fears, constantly challenging myself to a higher level of being. I have now chosen the name for my book and the beginning of its first chapter; when I'm ready, the time will come. 

You are each born a unicorn. Take a moment to think about it. You are worthy of all love and kindness, but to see this develop, tap into your inner being and feel the love inside of you. Until you learn to love and appreciate who you are and forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made in the past, it will be hard to move forward; otherwise, it is basically not totally possible. And my dear ones, life is all about possibilities; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I became a wild child as I had nothing to fear and did everything I pleased, while everyone around me had to adapt to the new me. Reading my stories here, which have only been the censored version of what actually went on, must have given you an idea of all the madness I experienced, all in the name of fun. My life became my fantasy and my fantasy my life. 

Life is as extraordinary as you make it out to be. 
I'm free. 
I'm me.

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