Sunday, 23 January 2011

Can't say enough about Friendship

And what has been happening in the life of Haldita?

I spent Saturday brunch in the fabulous company of my adorable male buddies; Dylan, Troy who is now back with a tan from his trip abroad and his brother Tristan; whose birthday it was and was late.  Notting Hill was the designated destination. At 3 pm, I was staaaarving so by the time Tristan turned up, the three of us sat at the table and I kept ordering oysters as starters.

"Haldita, I don't think it's wise for you to down so many oysters! It's not like you need further stimulation of sexual desires!"  Was Troy's remark while we burst into laughter.
"No, no Haldita.  With your history, keep away."  Dylan knows me only too well.
"Alright boys.  It's not like I'm gonna listen to you." I admitted and turn around to the waiter and asked: "Another half dozen of oysters please."
The waiter smiled back and nodded. Cute.
I continued the conversation with my friends: "Just coz you guys haven't been too lucky recently... We won't go into that!"
We had a good laugh over oysters, the meant-to-be aphrodisiacs. No actual result shows proof of an increase in the sexual desire by eating oysters, however, as Mr Renner expressed:
'The mind is the most potent aphrodisiac there is'.
Very well put. It is all in the mind. If you decide you are sexy, it becomes an attitude, a built-in confidence... Irrelevant of size or age or any inhibitions that society feeds our brains. Sometimes to prove a point, we go through the pain of hearing what others think is right for us, their ways of conduct or behaviour. Keep your mind free. It is good to go with the flow. The only thing is... Be true to yourself.

All this to say... I have decided that oysters are aphrodisiacs and it works for me! haha

The cheeseburger to follow was yummy and juicy.
After lunch, we turned up at another hip spot for a cocktail or two. My favourite drink, a passion fruit martini arrived in no time. Life is about taking in all the pleasures and enjoying them in great company, in moderation of course.
Then moved on to my next favourite drink; water.
Dylan was in good form and could not stop complimenting every pretty girl that passed by our table.Two other male buddies had joined our group and I sat amused at each girl's response to all these charmers who would pay them compliments and kiss their hands. That was theatrical!

It had been a loooong brunch so we each parted to rest before the night out. Dylan was not going to join us.
Got home and checked emails. It's funny how I have no desire whatsoever to turn that TV on. There is always the selection of chill-out music my darling brother Soltan downloaded on my iTunes. Then got ready for the big night out with my 'cool dude' buddies.
I drove to Fabric at midnight and began the night with hi's and hugs from the guys standing at the entrance. It feels so good to see familiar, friendly faces welcoming you. On to meet my friends.
The place is quite dark and I believe it is meeting people through a connection of 'free beings'.
It is mostly in the smoking area that I get to talk and meet some very pure young souls. Who are out for a fun night out and needless to say... The music.

At one stage, I was standing outside, listening to my new friend Fred and others chat when I noticed two girls hugging and trying to keep each other warm with such an innocent giggle. I couldn't help but approach them and said: "You too look so lovely together.  Such a beautiful friendship."
They said: "That's so sweet. Thank you."
I continued: "Good Friends are so important, they're the family we choose to bring into our lives.  Cherish and do your best to keep these moments going."
We all hugged and I left them to join Fred who was watching me.
I had not realised until he later asked me what I was telling the girls when I randomly approached them.
The morning spent with the ravishing Fred was sensual.

I say I try not to miss people when they are gone; detachment. But boy when I see them again, it feels sooooo good.

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