Tuesday, 19 April 2011

An Invigorating Week-end

In response to a text from a male friend, I wrote:
'What an eventful week-end I had!  Amazing.
He texted back:
'Did you run the marathon over the week-end?'
I answered:
'No!  I was not running The marathon but the experience was as exhilarating. It was a 2-day family wedding! Lol'

Saturday, I woke up to the sound of the alarm going off at 10 a.m.  
Following the very late night at Rosarita's birthday party, it was hard to face the day, but upon drawing back the full, heavy curtains of my boudoir, the sun hit my smile and after a moment of paying gratitude to my dear Lord and blowing him a big kiss in the air, I called on my Girl for a visit to Dez; my good friend and hairdresser.  

My cousin Al's 'big day' had arrived and to see him hand in hand with his beautiful bride, Lara, eased every pain in my feet, from the previous night's dancing in heels and the exhaustion turned into excitement. One by one, members of my father's family arrived in the elegant surroundings of 'the Salon', smartly decorated for the occasion. My uncle and aunts with their siblings were a joy to see again, mostly after many years of separation due to living in different parts of the world. It brought further importance to the meaning 'family' has in our lives. I realized more and more how they were missed and what a happy occasion to rekindle all the good memories and forget any family feuds. Every family have them, in one way or another.  

The ceremony of the registrar, followed by the sit-down dinner was extremely well-organised, the food was delicious and the evening ended with dancing to mixed, world music. I happened to share the table with my family and the Ex and his lovely girlfriend, whom I felt so bad for. But she handled the situation of my family's warm welcome with grace.  And the Ex gave a charming speech. All are very civilized.

On Sunday, another wake-up call to attend the brunch organised by my Uncle Idris and his very special lady, Aunt Orchid at a private reception room for the immediate family of the bride and mainly the groom.  My Darling Girl accompanied me once more to the event.
Three large tables were laid out in another lavish setting.  We sat at the round tables, surrounded by my close relations and went on exchanging emails and personal information and asking the questions missed the night before.  

After lunch, as everyone was playing musical chairs and making further connections, I felt the kiss of my Uncle standing above me, on my head and his right hand on my shoulder.  Without any hesitation, I took his hand in mine.  There was an intense feeling of being loved going through my veins, it felt so Special.  When I looked up in the mirror, standing on the wall opposite  ...  I saw the image of my father looking at me with so much love.  We smiled at each other and as my uncle left my side, tears came flooding down my cheeks.  My father was there looking at me with the warmest of smiles ...  And so was my uncle in person.
My cousins and my aunt came to my side to give me their love and understanding of how I felt as my father was not there with us.  

As I stood up to go to the ladies, I saw my Uncle sitting in his chair and smiling at me, I rushed to his warm embrace and we held one another for a family moment. There was so much love and memories between us that only too much expectation could destroy. He has always been so kind to me and I have all the respect for his wife, whom also I have learned many lessons in 'proper behaviour' from. I whispered in his ear: 
"Dear Uncle, I love you. If I haven't been in touch, it's not because of a lack of love, life happens. You replaced my father. I love you."

How many wonderful people I meet and tell them 'I love you' over and over again. Surely, these words could as easily and often be reminded to family members. Isn't it true?  

And as for my Dear Father, God Bless his loving Soul, he is with me all the time.  In fact, there has not been a moment that I have not thought of him and he has not been by my side. Through his soul, he has guided me towards his family; my family. He has been there during my mourning period and helped me with the idea and courage to begin my new passion for writing this blog. I feel so blessed for the continuation of his love and support. He may not be here in person, but his spirit speaks to me... Loud and Clear.  

Go after your dreams, my Girl 
Exercise and eat well
Speak no evil of anyone
And Be Kind
God Bless You

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