Tuesday, 14 September 2010

A day that started with effing and ended in elling...

It sure was one of those days today.

Woke up finally after a long sleep and, as every day, opened my curtains and bowed to the Lord with a smile and words of gratitude: "I absolutely love you, God. Thank you." And looking at the gloom outside; yet another cloudy day... Oh well... Typical. What to do?!

My trainer cancelled on me due to a cold. After reading a work-related email and a couple of others, urgh... I decided to sign off and get going.
There was the noise of building work from above and below. Road works; drilling on another side. Where does one get some peace at home? The idea of moving to the countryside would drive me nuts in another way. The bulb blew in the bathroom. I decided the best way to keep zen would be to attend a class at the gym. Nearly tripped on the stairs of the corridor at home. I couldn't find parking so I arrived a little late. To cut a looooong story short, I was effing at everything and everyone left right and centre... silently, of course, and couldn't wait for the evening to come.

Dinner was at the hospitable, darling Mona's. The company was fabulous and the dinner was delicious. I talked to and met more interesting people. It is funny how in London the most frequent question after 'What's your name' is 'Where do you come from'? I usually like to ask: "And where were you born?"

The end to the effing day was an elling night of 'Loving'.

During days like this, I wonder how difficult it must be for hard-working men and women, working mothers and fathers - as I used to be with a business to run. All of life's challenges and surprises; bad or good keep calm and face most situations with serenity and grace. It is not easy now... Is it? And they tell us well, life ain't easy. Just learn to deal with it.

So how does one switch from chaos to calmness?

I decided some time ago that 'I love challenges. Every challenge that life throws my way is learning. That is already a positive note towards feeling stronger in dealing with everyday happenings. It had not been an easy start to the year for me, going through deep grief for losing a loved one and I must acknowledge that it was my Ex-husband and his mother who were by my side and accompanied me to a church to light candles for his kind soul. Plus the pain from a mad moment of going through a traumatic experience of liposuction that left me in pain for months with a blooming breast-to-knee girdle to wear 24/7! I was told by doctors afterwards: "Lady, you're really lucky to be alive!"

The cold winter was bitter.

The only way to go through any kind of pain is to learn to deal with it with a positive outlook! Difficult but possible. I allowed myself time... in any way that would suit my lifestyle, to go through the emotions of sadness, of missing my dear father and feel him all around me, more so than when he was alive. He comes to me every time I think of him. God Bless his loving soul. As for the physical pain and the bad cold, I stayed in without any energy, only being able to move from the sofa to my bed and visa versa. It gave me time to be calm and to dream. Nothing wrong with daydreaming. It made me clearer where I am in life and how my time is here to move on to the next chapter of my life. I will still make it exciting and fun, but I will gradually change some habits and create new, more rewarding ones. I cannot even say that it was not easy, because it really was! Just allow time in your life when you feel it necessary in order to move on to greener pastures, a more fulfilling life!

The progress from my surgery was slow, so the next thing was to plan a trip to India for meditation, yoga and generally a sense of revival.  The trip with three old and new girlfriends was the answer for the road to recovery.  So, off we went. Now that was another story!

Life goes on and all is great again. I have built up my immune system by meditating and exercising and now feel whole again. I knew it and I took the time needed with an outlook of more happiness to come and here it is.

I always say 'Life is f***in amazing... And it can only get better!' 

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