Friday, 20 August 2010

Breathe the fire of Passion into all that you do

Did you read... But I really meant 'grasp' the meaning of the words in the title?

Passion has been burning like a fire in me... Passion in what? In life, living and loving.  
I have travelled the world to meet up with old friends and make new ones. And it has all come from the love I have been blessed to have received from my super cool, amazing mother; Angel (that is her name) who has managed to make her own rules of feeling happy and making everyone around her feel good about themselves and give love freely.
She came from very loving parents who have played large roles in my life, about simply being humble and human towards my fellow beings. I shall be going back through time, into those fond childhood memories in a country that was booming at the time I was growing up. To remember all the people who touched my life throughout and who I wanted to learn from.

My dear father's presence (he passed away recently) is something I still feel all around me. He appears every time I think of him. How wonderful is that? So, he is there to protect and direct me.
My sister Hala, whom I have loved dearly as my lifelong friend and a fun partner. Romana at the bar in fabric club calls us; 'The Criminal Sisters!'
And my darling brother, Soltan who has always given me his love and support.
The list is too long. These people were the forces that influenced me during childhood. 
There are so many more who touched my life, as I progressed through life's ups and downs. I am absolutely grateful to all of them and they will be mentioned in due course. 

Now to get back to passion...
Everything and everyone in life touches you one way or another, it makes you think. All those whys and hows, ifs and oops. Whether good or bad, they have an impact on our lives. However large or small, it affects our behaviour from one year to the next.  

When I feel hurt or upset about anything now, all I do is reflect on how would I feel about this matter in an hour? In one week? One month? Five years down the line? Now, is it worth it to waste the precious moments we are alive on something that would eventually become almost meaningless? Let me instead, make good use or even better... great use of my time on earth and think of something that would make me happy. Or even get up and do something that would bring joy into my life. I feel passionate about the fact that we are all here to learn. I can forgive easily and understand that we all come from different backgrounds. The space that negative thought has occupied in my brain can be filled with positive, good vibes and help me smile and say: "Thank you, God. I'm happy and alive."

With positive thoughts, I can go ahead, be brave and do absolutely anything I please because I know deep in my heart, it comes from a good place. We all deserve to be happy.  It is whether we feel passionate enough to cherish that... Or stay in the miserable state we feel we are in and... yes... And feel sorry for ourselves. No one can achieve our goals and walk our path. It is all up to ME.

On that note... while at Dez' (my hairdresser's) this afternoon, having been his last client, darling Crissy joined us. The three of us stood in the street having a little smoke and talked about our weekend plans. Dez reminded me of a story from a couple of years ago. So before I get ready to go out to dinner with a group of adorable friends, I thought I'd end this with yet another naughty story! Why not!

My daughter who has been pure joy and love to me since the day she was born, was spending her gap year in Rome. On one of my visits, I had also arranged to meet up with my wonderful gay friends (and a girl can never have enough of those) Elliot from NY, for our annual rendezvous.

Being a shopaholic... yap... like most girls you might say... after all, I am a woman through and through! The two of us went walking through town and while passing the Prada shop, we both had our eyes fixed on a pair of pink stilettos which featured a scallop design on the sides. They were displayed high, at eye level. We gave each other one of those naughty smiles and nodded our heads towards the door to the shop.
"Darling, you must have those!" said, Elliot.
"And how... I totally must." I agreed.
The shoe size was only a tiny bit too big which can be fixed and I wore them with my red nail varnish which looked fab! So the stilettos became yet another addition to many possessions boxed up in my wardrobe. They were not easy to walk in... But hey... Life ain't easy!

We had an amazing time in Roma with another couple; friends who'd joined from London before heading back to our home cities. 

Two weeks later, when Elliot had called to get an update on... well, on everything!  He suddenly asked: "By the way Darling... Did you get to wear those pink Prada stilettos?"
"Oh yes my love," I replied. "Twice... In bed!"

With that line to finish, I will let your imagination take you wherever it may please...   Haha

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