Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Well... I guess this is the point of no return... Have been meaning to start up this 'blog' thing my friend Robby has been telling me to do for a few weeks now... There is a beginning to everything.  

And why not!

For some time now, in fact, since my separation after a long marriage... and a very difficult one for that matter, it has been on my mind to write a book.  

It was before I separated that my therapist, with whom I had engaged for 3.5 years in the run-up to my separation, told me one last thing before telling me that there was no need for me to carry on the therapy sessions. He said that I had made a lot of vital changes in my life and it was time to move on and use my knowledge to help others.

"One last thing, my dear" François said in his serene, calm voice... "I hope one day you'll write a book and inspire others to make the necessary changes in their own lives." 

Big words, I thought, and was quite gob-smacked at his suggestion but it has been in the back of my mind for the past ten or eleven years since I last went to his therapy.

The last times I saw him, in moments of hurt and upset at how ill I was treated, I would tell him with great surprise, how I went to this event and the other trip and met so many lovely people and the sweet compliments they would each pay me. He would then stop me and ask: 

"So, what does that make you?"

I would stop and wonder and ask back: "What?"

"That makes you Special,"  he would answer.

I would be sitting there not quite in a childlike giggle and be ready to thank him for that remark. But he would then tell me: "Repeat after me: I am Special."

In a shy tone, I would smile and say, almost in a whisper: "I am Special." Then I would stop and add: "But everyone is Special."

"Say it again," he would repeat. "We're not talking of everyone, say I am Special."

While I wish he would stop I also knew I had to say it to believe it, so I repeated the words again and, this time, in a stronger tone: "I am Special, I am Special."

What a man Francois has been. He has helped me find myself again,  almost like a lost child finding her path through a deep forest. Some people would describe themselves as low and little as a grain. I felt transparent. 

 And there I was, finding myself as Buddha would say: kill everything within, any past, any anger and start a new life as a newborn.  

Here is the beginning of my rebirth ......... 

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